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    文/ 香港浸會大學傳播學研究生  張翌

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“想當初我們的工作環境呀,特別狹窄特別小,妳們看,就這麼大壹個地方。” 鳳凰衛視的工作人員指著牆上壹張不足千呎的照片說到,“這是我們當時最大的壹間會議室,接待中外嘉賓、重要會議都在這邊舉行。”聽講解的時候,柔和的粉黃色燈光打在每個人臉上,壹個個微笑的臉龐都明亮了起來,也許是經歷過鬥和拼搏的歲月,所以更加懂得個中滋味罷。


牆上壹張張老照片述說著歷史,大家也和鳳凰衛視壹起重溫了過去。 “小小的文化單位也能上市,這不是癡人說夢,是有夢就能圓!”今天的鳳凰衛視,在全世界華人媒體中,已然是佼佼者,回顧這壹路,雖風雨兼程,但不足為懼,只因她選擇了遠方。

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  Childhood Dream

  Zhang Yi

  Text/ Master of Arts in Communicationv ,HongKong  Baptist University 

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 On April 6, the Phoenix TV Headquarters in Tai Po District, Hong Kong had accommodated a group of new visitors. Unlike previous days, the group is formed by neither media professionals nor students majoring in journalism, but “parents”, who accompany their children to the event “Youth Media Dreams” organized by CDCC and Phoenix TV. Not being the main character today, these “parents”, however, had an unexpected experience.

When arriving at the Phoenix TV Headquarter, the children immediately rushed into the studio to rehearse the news script. But their parents seemed reluctant to leave. “Do you accompany them to record the program?” said a mother who looked impatiently. The staff smiled “Yes, we do.” Then the mother walked way. What's interesting is that without worrying about the children, parents seemed to be happy to rejoin the scouting, as to be once again, young pupils.

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"Our work place was extremely small back to the days, you see, it's just a place like this." Ms. Li Hui, the guide person from Phoenix TV pointed to a picture on the wall, "Our largest office at that time, this is where we had meetings and conferences and such.” Yet the picture she pointed at shows an only maximum thousand-square ft room. During the tour, these visitors listened to the guidance carefully as if they thought of something. Maybe it was the hard days they experienced as well when they were young individuals, now with years of hard work, they must have known better of what endeavor is. They responded actively to the phenomenal evolution of Phoenix TV, “Oh, I didn’t know that story…” “Really interesting anecdotes.”

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Nostalgic photos on the wall were telling visitors authentic stories of Phoenix, through which the past became alive. “Why can’t a small-scaled news company be on the market? This is not a dream that can’t come true, is it?” Today, Phoenix TV is a pioneer among various Chinese media companies around the world. Since “I've decided to go to a distant place, I'll try my best to make the trip”.

“You can expect a lot to see in a media worker's office.” When the group came to the office area, a variety of desktop layouts and furnishings bumped up, which demonstrate specialties of ones they belong to in a well-organized structure, Interesting collections and posters quickly became popular photo-taking spots. for a time, everybody turned to a   fan who saw his or her idol for the first time.

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The last stop of the visit was the memorial area of the talk show “Behind the Headlines with Wen Tao”, a rebuild of all the displays from the show where people can take photos there. For many visitors, this program has been with them for more than two decades. As memories bringing back all the feelings of inner joy, they started to take pictures and record this precious moment.

“TV” means a lot to these visitors born in the 70s and 80s. Whether to those of majority with nine-inch black-and-white TV or the “lucky dog” who had a color TV at home at that time, what truly matters is those days when they can’t wait to go home after school to watch the show on TV, days that altogether pieced up a picture called "Childhood".

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As Luo Da-Yu wrote in his lyrics, although the “frenzy dreams of the old days” have already fallen into a dark corner deep down in the memory, today, after a tour in the Phoenix TV headquarter, the visitors get to recollect pieces of the pure TV dreams back in their childhood.

上壹條:2018年4月18日公司董事調研廣東順德私人投資社會福利企業 下壹條:促進與鼓勵中港少兒誦讀活動2016、2017活動總結